Second wave edits are here!

After reviewing hundreds of public comments on the first wave of edits to the land use code under ReCode Phase II, the City has released the second wave of ReCode changes, encompassing the entire land use code. These edits touch on housing, parking, historic preservation, climate resilience, and more, and they have the potential to shape the city for years to come. We encourage everyone to learn more about the second wave changes and give us your feedback.

The second wave changes build on a lot of prior work. In December 2021, the City released the first major work product of ReCode Phase II - the land use code evaluation.  The code evaluation focused on key issues for the city, like how the code could encourage more equitable housing creation, foster climate change resilience, and support transportation choice.  The evaluation is serving as a road map for the City as it considers amendments to the land use code and zoning map under future stages of the ReCode Portland process.  

From December through the spring of 2022, the City heard feedback from hundreds of residents on the code evaluation, through Planning Board and Council meetings, two public forums, a survey, email, and direct comments on the evaluation itself. We summarized what we’ve heard here.

Over the fall and winter of 2022/2023, we worked on the translating the findings of the code evaluation into draft text amendments, and we released the first wave of draft amendments in the summer of 2023. In the time since, we’ve been collecting feedback through markups, comments, and direct emails. We held three open houses in August (read our summaries here), and a virtual public forum in late September. These public events formed the basis for many of the second wave changes that are now under review.

ReCode Portland is the first rewriting of the City’s Land Use Code in over 50 years

ReCode Portland is about creating a new, unified development code to serve Portland for the 21st century. The new code will be more user-friendly, will advance the goals of the city’s comprehensive plan, Portland’s Plan 2030, and will better equip the City to address needs in areas such as housing, design, preservation, conservation, the working waterfront, energy, and transportation.

ReCode is a multi-phased process. The first phase, Phase I, which concluded with the adoption of a new land use code in November of 2020, included new regulations for signs, updates to the accessory dwelling unit (ADU) and parking provisions, and an organizational restructuring of the land use code. Phase II began immediately following the conclusion of Phase I.

What is Phase II again?

Phase II of ReCode builds off the work of Phase I and focuses on the heart of the land use code – the basic regulations that govern where and how different uses occur across the city. Phase II will address critical issues related to land use that are reflected in Portland’s Plan, such as sea level rise, climate change mitigation, and housing affordability.

There are and will be many opportunities to engage with ReCode Phase II. These opportunities will be posted here on this website, so stay tuned!


Explore Portland’s existing land use code and zoning map.


The ReCode Process


Community Conversations (Phase I)

In the fall of 2017 & early 2018, the City held a series of community conversations to hear what works in the current code, what needs to be improved, and how the code could better meet the vision of Portland’s Plan.


Restructure (PHASE I)

Based on public input, an analysis of the existing code, and best practices, the City reorganized the existing code to streamline and simplify it.



Following the initial restructuring, the City conducted a code evaluation to explore how the land use code holds up against the goals of Portland’s Plan. Based on this evaluation, the City drafted an approach for Phase II and tested this approach with the public through a series of engagement opportunities.


Rewrite (PHASE II)

Now, the City is rewriting elements of the code to better align with Portland’s Plan and address substantive issues raised by technical analysis and public input. These changes will go through a Planning Board review process and ultimately appear before the City Council for adoption.


Resources and important links


ReCode Files

Portland's Plan 2030

Current Zoning Map

Current Land Use Code